New Term: The preprocessor runs before your compiler each time the compiler is invoked. 新术语:每次调用编译器时,预处理器都会在编译器之前运行。
The azimuth preprocessor design with CPLD is the first time in realizing complex algorithm with PLD in IEAS. 这是在电子所内首次利用PLD器件实现信号处理的复杂算法。
During dam construction simulation analysis, the preprocessor and postprocessor will take much time. 在混凝土大坝施工仿真计算中,有大量时间是花费在前后处理程序的编制上。
The proposed method uses wavelet decomposition as the preprocessor of analog circuit fault signals. This can dramatically reduce the number of inputs of the neural network, simplify its structure, minimize its training and processing time, and promote the capability to detect and identify faults. 该方法用小波变换作为模拟电路故障信号的预处理器,大大减少神经网络的输入数目,简化神经网络结构和减少它的训练时间,提高辨识故障能力。
Calculating the thermal stress of complex larger hydraulic structure, such as hydropower plant, the preprocessor and postprocessor will take much time. 在水电站厂房这样结构复杂的大型水工结构的温度应力计算中,大量的时间花费在前后处理程序的编制上。
In accordance with the characteristics of high frame TV system, Field Programmable Gate Arrays ( FPGA) are applied to construction high speed image preprocessor and real time calculation for image preprocessing of digital TV, and then lay a good basis for the follow up work. 针对高帧频电视系统的特点,应用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)构造高速图像预处理器,完成数字电视的图像预处理的实时计算,进而为后续工作打下良好的基础。
PLG method has two parts, one of them is an off-line preprocessor procedure which can create LOD, the other is an on-line procedure which render current scene in real time. PLG方法分为两个部分,一个部分用于生成层次细节,是一个离线的前处理过程,另一个部分在线使用层次细节,是一个实时绘制过程。